
The following test trainings will take place on 22.02-23.02.2023. + 23.03.2023.

The training gives the human resources specialists, managers and organizational psychologists the basic knowledge and skills to use Tripod tests independently in evaluating the candidates.

The participation fee for the training is 499 eur+VAT and the license fee is 150 euros + VAT, a total of 649 eur+ VAT. The license guarantees access to Tripod’s web-based test system for two years, where you can independently conduct tests, prepare reports and, if necessary, automatically translate them into other languages. Billing is done monthly according to the number of tests used. To view the price list of tests, please write: tripod@tripod.ee

Test trainings take place at Roberta Hirša street 1a. The training is exciting, interactive and very practical!

Before the training the Specialists personality test is completed by each participant, for which the feedback is given during the training.

The training includes theory and practical tasks, as well as role plays to train the feedback interview skills

In order to acquire a license, it is necessary to complete 2 tests with feedback interviews and fill in a practice diary after the first two days of training.

Every participant can complete all Tripod tests for free.

Come and join us: laura@tripodlink.lv

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