Tripod conducts various psychological tests to enhance the work of HR specialists and managers and gives them science-based interpretations. Incorporating tests into the recruitment process helps to identify the best possible candidate with low time and money and to avoid recruitment errors. The tests are commonly used to evaluate the final candidates.
Psychological tests are divided into two groups
- Aptitude tests – Mental capacity tests test the mental capacity of a candidate for a working position, i.e. his or her various cognitive abilities.
- Personality tests – The personality test describes the candidate through five main character traits – emotional stability, extroversion, sociality, fortitude and openness. In addition, several other indicators are evaluated, such as stress tolerance, leadership, teamwork, achievement orientation, adaptability, etc.
Mental capacity shows the candidate’s analyticalness, cleverness and speed, while personality traits show stress tolerance, communication style, diligence and creativity.
Why is candidate testing important?
- In order not to hire a person who is not suitable for the position and whose recruitment, salary and training costs do not pay off.
- To proactively see how a person fits into the organization, his manager and colleagues.
- So that in the future cooperation the manager is aware of how to communicate with his employee and motivate him.
How is it possible to save money by testing candidates?
The point of testing candidates is to proactively determine whether hiring a person carries a higher risk that does not pay off in the future. Both mental capacity and personality traits are relatively constant throughout life, therefore, with the help of a correct interpretation of the test results, it is possible to predict the professional behavior of candidates with a relatively high probability. The inclusion of psychological tests for the recruiter and the organization significantly greater financial savings than to hire a person, invest in his recruitment, training and salary costs, and then during the probationary period realize that he, however, is not suitable for the given position.
The test can also be carried out by an assistant, but the results must be interpreted by a person who has passed the test training and acquired the appropriate license. Therefore, Tripod also offers trainings where HR professionals gain basic knowledge and skills for independent use of Tripod tests in candidate evaluation and employee development. In this case, it is not necessary to outsource the service to interpret the tests, and the savings will again be higher.
Why do the tests found on the Internet not work – after all, they are free?
A branch of science called psychometry is engaged in the assessment of the human psyche. Although anyone can make a questionnaire and name it a “personality test”, the compilation of a personality test requires a thorough knowledge of psychological theories and psychometrics. It is necessary to check the functioning of the test and collect representative norms (the results of at least 500 people) so that the test results can be interpreted correctly. The period of development of one test is from one to three years, and for this you need an in-depth knowledge of psychometrics and psychological theories. Therefore, high-quality psychological tests are usually not offered for free.
Does testing a candidate come with 100% certainty that the employment relationship will be successful?
When recruiting, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you should never make a choice based on a single measuring instrument or source of information. If the ability to quickly learn, analytical skills, good stress tolerance and communication skills are important in the position to be filled, then in addition to the interview, it is worth using both a mental capacity and a personality test.
It is not possible to achieve a 100% guarantee of suitability with any set of measuring instruments, but the feedback from recruiters is that most of the time it went as the tests predict.