You have several similar candidates or just a gut feeling that you would like to test? Or you’ve got a team whose duties you wish to rearrange?
Our assessment tools help measure the features that you cannot see at the interview or from CV. Assessment increases selection quality, as well as saves you money and time.
We recommend using our assessment service if you need more information in such situations but you lack the measures, skills or time. We assess and test people every day, and will be happy to do it for you. Each test taker will also get feedback from us. At the end of the project, we’ll give you a detailed interview of the results, tips and advice, and answer all the questions you may have.
In assessment, we use the tests developed by Tripod, based on recognized international methods and using local norm groups collected in each of the three Baltic States. That is, the tests are not adaptations but specifically oriented to Baltic users, which makes them unique among other tools used on the market.
The tests can be taken and the results retrieve in fine languages: Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, English, and Estonian.
Looking to test a candidate?
Looking for a specific test?
Personality tests
The personality inventories by Tripod describe an individual based on five principal personality traits, which are considered a minimum set to get a sufficient overview of essential traits.
Cognitive ability (mental capability) tests
The cognitive ability tests by Tripod measure analysis skills, intelligence and response rate in completing exercises.
Special tests
Visual Speed and Accuracy Test VKT – the test measures how quickly and accurately an individual can process visual information. These abilities are necessary, e.g., for secretaries, data entry clerks and warehouse staff.
Spatial capability RVS (in English) – the test measures various aspects of spatial abilities and is intended for IT and technology professionals.
Would you like to use tests independently?
Tripod tests for development training program
For counselling
You can choose between three tests for career counselling, or go for all of them. The measures are widely used by the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (over 4500 tests in 2020) and the counselling section of the Education and Youth Board.
The tests can be taken in English, Russian and Estonian, both by youth and adults.
Vocational Interests Inventory TASK
TASK helps identify an individual natural profile of interests. The inventory is based on the Occupational Themes Model by John L. Holland (Holland Codes). The test characterizes preferences across six areas:
-Social disposition – preference for working with people and for them;
-Enterprising disposition – preference for engaging in business;
-Conventional disposition – preference for working with details;
-Realistic disposition – preference for physical activities in open air;
-Investigative disposition – preference for research and analysis;
-Artistic disposition – preference for creative activities and self-expression.
Personality Inventory IK-15
IK-15 is based on the Big Five and describes the test taker using five main dispositions:
-Emotional response – resistance to stress and emotional stability
-Activity level – energy and extraversion
-Interaction style – agreeableness and helpfulness
-Action style – commitment and consistency
-Responsiveness – adaptability and creativity
In addition, the tests measures ten further indicators.
Mental Ability Scale VVS-N
VVS-N shows the test taker’s performance in abstract exercises. Mapping your strengths and preferences helps make more informed career choices. The test measures verbal and arithmetic abilities, logical and spatial thinking, as well as the general mental ability.
Tripod tests for recruitment training program.
Tests for assessments
Mental abilities characterize the analysis skills and alertness of a candidate, while personality traits show resistance to stress, gregariousness, diligence and creativity.
Personality tests
A personality test describes an individual based on five principal personality traits. These include Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. In addition, the test measures a number of more specific traits related to these five aspects.
Personality test NEO-TRI for specialists
Personality test MPI for managers
Cognitive ability tests
A general cognitive ability tests measures analysis skills, intelligence and response rate in completing exercises. A test intended for specialists describes verbal, arithmetic, spatial and general abilities. The managers’ test also measures arithmetical and logical thinking.
Mental Ability Scale VVS for specialists
Mental Ability Scale MMAS for managers
Special Ability Scale RVS
This test is suitable for identifying potential in working in technology and IT. The results are generated in comparison with relevant representative norm groups.
Visual Speed and Accuracy Test VKT
The test measures how quickly and accurately an individual can process visual information. These abilities are necessary, e.g., for secretaries, data entry clerks and warehouse staff.
Custom solutions
You need to recruit regularly but none of our tests really suits your needs? Don’t worry, we can create a measure specially for you, your people and your needs.
We have developed custom solutions, e.g., for Swedbank, Ericsson Estonia, State Chancellery, R-Kiosk, the Estonian Road (Transport) Administration, etc.